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Eilon Caspi

EVA Board Member

Eilon Caspi PhD is a Gerontologist and dementia behavior specialist. He currently works as an Assistant Research Professor at University of Connecticut. He started working in the aging field 28 years ago as a nurse aide in a nursing home where his grandfather lived. Since then, he worked as a social worker in a nursing home, consultant, applied researcher, author, documentary film director, and care advocate. 


In recent years, he conducted several studies to improve understanding and the prevention of various forms of elder mistreatment (e.g., injurious and deadly neglect of healthcare, fatal resident-to-resident incidents, financial exploitation, and thefts of opioid pain medications) in long-term care homes.


He serves on the board of Elder Voice Advocates (Minnesota) and formerly on the board of Long Term Care Community Coalition (NYC). Eilon is an immigrant to the US and was a veteran from a combat paratroopers’ unit in Israel. In his free time, he enjoys carving wood and recently completed hand carving brain hemispheres and educational signs such as SEE ME Not My Dementia and Justice for Elders.

Eilon honors the life of his grandmothers who lived with dementia and lived in long-term care homes.

Eilon's story: What I've Learned About Grandma's Memory

Eilon Caspi
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